Kusama once said "I'm just another dot in the world." but she had since proved to be one of the most famous dot in the contemporary art world. When we were invited to design a collection for M+ inspired by Yayoi Kusama, apart from her signature dots, the other thing that came to mind immediately was the pumpkin, one of her most famous motifs and self portrait. It reminded us of the time we visited Naoshima Island and saw the polka dot yellow pumpkin scultpture for the first time and it left a very lasting impression on us. By adding our own touch and interpretation of Yayoi Kusama, illustrating and printing it with letterpress, we hope to solidify our memories of that trip to Naoshima Island and pay tribute to Kusama and her avant garde vision.
letterpress tags, bookmarks and stickers available in @mplusmuseumshop @mplusmuseum

letterpress tags, bookmarks and stickers available in @mplusmuseumshop @mplusmuseum