our story
香港本地品牌,隱藏於香港石屎森林裡的活版印刷及設計工作室。以手繪創作再融入活版印刷技術 letterpress,選用獨特紙材製作出具有手工觸感的紙品。在重覆的生活節奏裡發現快樂。我們相信生活本身就是禮物。放慢腳步,細心留意身邊的點點滴滴,將小發現分享,就是 ditto ditto 的生活態度。
ditto ditto is a boutique stationery and design studio based in Hong Kong specializing in hand-drawn illustrations and letterpress, which gives every piece of work a unique touch that no modern machinery can replicate. We believe every day is a gift and we should keep looking for inspirations in our daily lives. The spirit of ditto ditto is to share our little discoveries and ordinary miracles with you.