happy paws collection

It doesn't matter where you're going, it's who you have beside you 🐾

happy paws - :) happy discoveries

It doesn't matter where you're going, it's who you have beside you

the inspiration from this collection came from our beloved furry companions. we are constantly inspired by their unique personalities and quirky behaviours. The happy paws collection is about heartfelt stories of animals from different walks of life that have met and formed incredible friendships together :)

Pepper and Marshall

Pepper is a snow bengal cat that had suffered severe allergies ever since she is a few months old and had to wear a collar to prevent her from scratching. She had been wearing it for so long and is so accustomed to it, it had become part of her. Sometimes it's as if it is a satellite dish that can receive messages from the universe, or she is a space travelling cat with the oxygen helmet on.

Marshall is a rescued cat, he was very aloof and have trust issues when he first arrived, he is terribly scared of noises that plastic bags makes and would jump and hide at the slightest movement or sound around him. Slowly he started opening up and started to trust humans again. We think he was abandoned because of his recurring sinusitis, he sneezes ALL. THE. TIME. He lived with pepper for a while and is secretly in love with pepper.

Mao Mao and Mee Mee

Mao Mao was heard screaming in the gutter one night after she was separated with her mom and siblings, when she was found she was so tiny she can fit into a shirt pocket. She grew up to be a fiesty and independent woman and only tolerates cuddles from a few selected person.

Mee Mee is a toy poodle that was born with a hole in her heart. She is quite timid and would be scared to to point of shaking sometimes, but she is very mellow and easy going and likes to stay close to her humans. She lives in the same house with Mao Mao but they have this coexisting non-relationship and would always look at Mao Mao like she don't understand this creature ?.?

Summer and Sunny

Summer is a cockapoo who flew all the way from liverpool and arrived in Hong Kong covered in it's own poo 🙈. He enjoys hiking with the family but is terribly scared of insects and would bark at them relentlessly. When he is happy he would wag his tail so fast we called it the "helicoper tail" H awwe would cry like a baby if he slips and fall.

Sunny is a shiba who is always grumpy, he enjoys sunbathing a lot. He's a loner and he doesn't like to be touched. He met Summer when he was young and enjoyed stealing his food but not so much his company and would bark at Summer.